In the simplest form, domino is a game in which players draw tiles to play on a layout, and then place the tiles down one by one. The first player to complete their hand wins the game, or, if both players have an identical set of tiles, whoever played the highest-valued tile (an “opening double”) leads the next round.
Dominoes have been used for centuries around the world in a variety of games. The earliest sets were made of ivory or bone, with black or white pips inlaid or painted on them. They are still available, but more commonly dominoes are now made of polymer, which has both a lower cost and durability. Some sets are made from other natural materials such as wood, stone, metal or ceramic clay; these sets tend to be more expensive and heavier than polymer sets.
The most common domino sets are a double-six set, with 28 tiles, or an extended version called a double-nine set, which has 55 tiles. Larger sets with even more pips exist, but are rarely seen commercially. Most domino games are blocking games, in which the goal is to empty one’s opponent’s hand, or scoring games, in which a point total is determined by counting the pips in the winning player’s hand.
Like many other types of puzzles, constructing domino structures is popular among people of all ages. Professional domino artists are known for their amazing works, which can involve thousands of tiles and take hours to build. These installations, which often feature themes such as nature or science, are displayed at public events or private galleries. They can also be built for television or movie shoots, and some artists have created domino artworks to advertise their products or services.
Lily Hevesh, a 20-year-old artist from Massachusetts, started playing with dominoes at age 9, when her grandparents gave her a classic 28-piece set. Now she has more than 2 million YouTube subscribers and is a full-time domino artist, working on projects for movies, TV shows, and events such as a music video launch for Katy Perry. She has also set a Guinness record for the most dominoes toppled in a circular arrangement.
When you read a novel, each scene is like a domino in its own way. It can’t stand on its own, but when placed with other scenes, it has a logical impact on the ones that come before and after. Whether you are a plotter who makes detailed outlines or a pantser who relies on Scrivener’s built-in drafting tools, think about your scene dominoes as if they were actual dominoes and consider how each scene should interact with the ones ahead of it. If a scene doesn’t add tension or raise the stakes for your protagonist, it might need to be reworked or removed altogether.